Archers Arena Archers Arena

What’s Community Night?

Are you looking to try archery, but can't do it during practice hours? Well now there's an opportunity for everyone who wants in on some action!

Join us this month at our Monthly Social event - Community Night. We'll provide all equipment, just show up with your friends ready-to go!

Every first Friday of the month, we gather together at the Arena to shoot arrows and meet new friends. It doesn’t matter if you’ve picked up a bow before, or even played here before - it’s great for beginners to try out!

This is a great opportunity for anyone looking to try out their skills with archery or just want an excuse hangout on Fridays since classes are always cancelled anyways (ya know those lockdown days?)

The game is an excellent way for people who are interested in fitness to get their fix. It’s fun, it’s easy to pick up, and exercising without realising it by running, dodging, and shooting like Robin Hood.

There are digital targets to shoot at in the range as well! You and up to 6 of your friends can play together - with everyone for themselves by seeing how accurate you are, playing speed rounds (or both!)

Personal scores and stats can be generated and if you compare yourself across the different session, you’ll be able to measure your progress and improvement! Plus if one person has been playing longer than another maybe he knows some secrets that might give him an edge?

It’s a great way to improve before going up against our regulars, but what’s the fun in that? Community Night lets you dive straight into the deep end and lets you feel like a true archer while still having some laughs!

Come join the regulars and play with our coaches at 7pm! Hopefully we can get up and running again with the next session starting in February the 4th, if the lockdown ends…

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