Beginner Archery Tips For All

Tips for Beginners in Archery

Hearing the word archery alone is enticing and exciting. As ancient art as it may seem, archery is one of the world’s most prominent sports and recreational activities until this very day. 

When playing archery, there are things you need to consider. To aim at your target successfully, we have gathered several tips for you. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced archer/hunter, read on below!

1. Proper Body Positioning 

Proper body positioning technique is important in playing archery. This will help you aim at your target successfully, so before drawing the arrows to aim at the target, you must employ the right body stance. 

Tip: From the target point, make sure your body is positioned sideways. To get enough space, the distance of your legs and shoulders should be parallel to each other. Keeping your feet parallel to the target and maintaining a 90-degree angle is also helpful when shooting the target. 

2. Physical Conditioning 

The archery itself is a heavy sport and activity. Thus, it compels mandatory body conditioning. Warm-up exercises and even high-intensity ones are helpful most especially because your body needs ample preparation before participating in any archery game.

When conditioning your body, it is important to not forget exercising your arms and torso. The same goes with your legs, waist and back. Everything that improves your endurance will be a great help before playing archery. Most of the time, it takes an hour or more to finish a game, so endurance is duly needed to keep you going. 

3. Mental and Emotional Conditioning

When you are a beginner, nervousness is always there along with frustrations every time you don’t hit the target. However, that is perfectly fine. When you are just beginning, everything is not as perfect as it is expected. That is why you need to have the right mindset and proper mental and emotional conditions. 

Be relaxed and confident when drawing the arrows. It will help you in many ways you could never imagine. Find time to get comfortable with your body stance, and do not overthink. Have fun and de-stress before playing archery.  

4. Master the Art of Concentration

In archery, right timing is everything. That is why practicing the art of concentration is a must in every game. You must determine the precision and speed of your arrow before you lose the string. 

Getting the right mindset and proper body condition will help you a lot in practicing the art of concentration. It will help you focus on a specific target and aim at it easily. If you are a beginner, practicing the art will help you to be a better hunter or archer soon, little by little. 

5. Aiming at the Archery Target by Determining Your Anchor Point

The anchor point is the point where the bowstring is kept. Most commonly, it is positioned below your chin. Determining your anchor point is crucial as it will enable you to aim at the target consistently. When you know your anchor point/s, you can shoot your target easily. If you are serious about playing archery and you think you’ll do it professionally, practice at home. Purchase a great archery target, and aim at it in the comfort of your home.  

6. Getting a Coach

If you are a beginner or even someone who is not that confident enough after playing several sets, getting a coach will help a lot. Hearing about archery tips and tricks from an expert is an advantage. A coach will not only help you learn the fundamental things about archery but will also help you realize the areas that you need to improve. Also, getting assistance from a master archer will let you know the right and most effective ways to improve your archery skills. 

7. Monitoring Your Accomplishments and Progress

When you are really into archery, monitoring your accomplishments and progress, even the smallest ones, is a great help to be better every day. Grab some notebook and pen or download an app online to check on how your day will go.

How do you monitor and determine if you are improving or not? Below are suggested metrics for you: 

· The date, weather and your location for the day

· List your accomplishments for the day (Overall score, techniques you have used and your perception of your overall performance)  

· Total numbers of arrows drawn/used

· Changes you’ll do for the day (anchor points, stance, and technique)

· Areas you will do well and areas to improve

Monitoring your accomplishments every day, as old-fashioned as it may seem, is still an effective way to check on your progress and areas for improvement, but if you feel like it’s not helping you, you can still go back to it later on. 

8. Find Time for Casual Breaks and Mandatory Rests

Archery is a heavy sport and is also addictive at some point, but remember that it requires a huge effort physically, emotionally and mentally. That is why when your mind and body scream for rest, listen to it. Take casual breaks and mandatory rests. Like a machine, your body also needs to recharge. 

If you need any help with archery, we welcome you book an archery training with us today


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